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The Source Online Music Essentials Series Launches

Join MusicNT every Thursday as we premiere a new video from ‘The Source’, our FREE introduction to music essentials series, live on Youtube at 1.00pm (ACST) every week for 8 weeks beginning February 3.
These short, sharp video tutorials run between 7 and 20 minutes meaning you can tune in from the comfort of your own home or even on your lunch break!
There is the option to join us for a live Q&A on the week’s topic immediately after the video premiere via the MusicNT Youtube channel.
Each week we cover a different essential topic:
Week 1: Small PA Basics
Week 2: Vocal Warm Ups
Week 3: Using A Vocal Microphone Live
Week 4: Instrument Care
Week 5: Keyboard Basics
Week 6: How to Restring Guitars
Week 7: Tuning Guitar and Bass
Week 8: Guitar Basics
You can also access The Source resource sheets by registering your email address over on our Resources page. Enjoy!