All Good Project

MusicNT’s Safe Venues Program works with local live music venues right across the
Northern Territory to create safer spaces for staff, performers and patrons that frequent
The need for such a program was identified after many discussions, over many years, with
local performers, music lovers and industry personnel that raised concerns regarding the
safety of key minority groups within the music community and the culture surrounding
safety at gigs.
The pilot year of the program has been made possible as a result of Territory Families’ Safe,
Respected and Free from Violence Grant, which has allowed MusicNT to roll the program out
across venues in Darwin, Palmerston, Katherine, Tennant Creek and Alice Springs.
When a venue elects to participate in the Safe Venue Program they agree to adhere to
safety standards as outlined in the program’s policy with the assistance of specialised staff
training, extensive program resources and the guidance of MusicNT’s Live Music Venue
Best Practice Guidelines.
You can go to work at one of these Safe Venues, either as a staff member or performer, or
can attend a gig at one of these venues, with the knowledge that the venue is working
diligently to increase safety standards and any safety concerns raised will be taken seriously.
You can view a full list of participating venues, take a look over the program’s resources or
provide us with your feedback on the initiative.
Ultimately, we aim to work together with the public and the Northern Territory’s best live
music venues to create safer spaces for all. Because, at the end of the day, no one’s good
time should come at the expense of somebody else’s.

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